You are going to use internal stimuli rather than external stimuli. Why? Because the internal is in your control. No one else can control what is inside of you. Sure, it will be great as you start losing weight and your friends and colleagues notice your progress and remark, "Gee, you really look different. What have you been doing?" But for right now, as you begin developing the belief in your ability to flip, there is nothing external for these people to see. Obviously, what they will first notice are the external changes that occur later, but you and I know that it is the internal motivation that comes from within you that is the driving force behind this external transformation. To help you keep that internal motivational level high, perform the following exercise: Begin by locating a full-length mirror in your home, ideally someplace that provides you with privacy. Take an objective look at your body in that mirror. For some readers, it may have been a long time since they really looked at themselves and evaluated their appearance. For years, I have heard men and women talk about how they cringe at the thought of buying a bathing suit. They were frightened at the thought of having to see themselves in a full-length mirror and face that reality. For some, it has prompted them to call me and say, "I just went bathing suit shopping and realized that I have to get a handle on my weight and appearance. drugrevenue.com
Actually, this evaluation of yourself in a full-length mirror would be even more beneficial without clothing, but I will leave that decision to you. Regardless of what you are wearing or not wearing, I want you to take an inventory of your body. It's just you. Take your time. We rush through so many things in our lives, we ought to be able to find a few minutes to look at our most important asset, our body.
Next, I want you to take out a pen or pencil and fill in your response to the sentences in the space provided at right. Try to avoid the typical "I hate everything about my body." It's a shallow remark and comes from avoidance and being unwilling to try. You are dismissing your current body without even giving it a chance. I absolutely do not believe that you dislike everything about your body. Evaluate from top to bottom (no pun intended). Do you like your shoulders, chest, arms? Some people have a well-shaped body, but just too much of it. Start at the neck, then keep turning around and work your way down to your feet. I am positive that there is some aspect of your body that you like. It may even be that you have great skin, perfect toes, shapely ankles, graceful fingers, whatever. Just use this time to reintroduce yourself to what lives below the chin.